Thursday, June 5, 2008

Holman Block 1871-1910

142 East Main Street

During the Mining Era and the early 1900's block construction was very popular. Block construction was where all of the buildings in a block were built side by side so that the total construction took up the entire block. The Holman block is one example of this type of construction.

The West side of the building,the Hewlett & Hughes Barber Shop of Sandy was begun in the 1880's when Joseph H. Hewlett and his father, Thomas, arrived from Brigham City. Joseph operated the barber shop until his death in 1909 when his son, William, assumed the business. Meanwhile, Arthur Hughes was working as a barber in the partnership of Smith & Hughes. In 1919 Hewlett and Hughes formed a partnership which continued for many years.

The Victorian building constructed in 1905 was used as a barber shop with the rear rooms devoted to storage. The brick frieze above the storefront contains a recessed panel for advertising.

In many ways the Hewlett & Hughes Barber Shop appears to be older than the attached building to the east, the Alva Hansen Drugstore. However, this is probably not the case. Interior construction reveals that it was built later. The concrete addition in the rear housed a jail.

The East side of the building was built in 1971. it was a drug store, and later on had a soda fountain. It also had a courthouse attached to it.

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